Our Story
In 2006, nestled amidst the serenity of the Costa Rican coastline, an idea was born. An idea inspired by a simple yet profound question - "What do people do when faced with a medical challenge in these remote beach areas?" This wasn’t just a fleeting thought. It was a call to action.
Guided by core principles such as:
• Professionalism: We believe in the power of expertise and always put our best foot forward.
• Ethical Medicine: Our practice is rooted in moral grounds. Every patient receives transparent and honest care.
• Helping Others: At our core, we’re about service. We are here to assist, guide, and heal.
Our offerings have grown manifold over the years:
Holistic Care
From kids to adults, women’s health to general consultation - we've got you covered.
Emergency Assistance
We are equipped to handle emergencies, ensuring that critical care is never out of reach.
Specialized Medical Attention
Our team comprises medical specialists catering to a range of health concerns.
Whether by air or ground, we ensure our patients reach their medical destination promptly and safely.
Dr. Alejandro Gutiérrez
CEO at Paradise Medical Services
We're a well-known local company
From our humble beginnings, we've seen a tremendous evolution. Our capability to manage an array of medical scenarios, from straightforward cases to intricate emergencies, has expanded. And so has our reach. We’ve had the honor of partnering with esteemed establishments like Bodhi Tree, Del Mar Academy, Harmony Hotel, Harmony Projects, and a cherished collaboration with Four Seasons Hotel for over 14 years.
Our mission remains unwavering: to stand as a beacon of medical hope for the residents and visitors of our beautiful coastal communities.
Our corporate partners